▶Pulse Count Program
Auto pulse count program on Tektronix MSO Series instruments
- 각 채널별 threshold 설정(채널별 원하는 threshold 다수 선택 가능, 채널 자동 on/off)
- 실시간 펄스 히스토그램 확인
- 장비에서 직접 실행되도록 구현
...빠른 응답성 확보
...GPIB 케이블 등이 필요없고, 다른 PC와 연결 불필요
전도도 및 비저항 측정 시스템
- 4wire 측정
- 전도도 및 비저항 측정 모드 선택 가능
- current 소스 step별 측정 기능
- Result 결과 값 리포트 출력 기능
▶SMU, PCT, Power supply and Electronic Load
·Source and measure voltage, current, and resistance in one unit
.Integrate power supply, DMM, current source, and electronic load into one instrument
.MOSFETS, IGBTs, Diodes device-level characterization
.Breakdown Voltage, On-state current and Capacitance
▶Foot switch를 이용한 oscilloscope auto test program
-O’scope 사용에 편의성을 위해 foot switch로 Start/Stop/Clear 기능 제공
▶Characteristic Impedance auto test program
-·TDR(Time Domain Reflectometry) 장비를 이용한 DUT의 특성 임피던스를 측정
-·cable, board, connector, 회로 등의 특성과 안정성 test
▶Instrument auto control program
-모든 Instrument를 User 환경에 맞게 Customizing하여 제공
-Serial, USB, Ethernet, GPIB 등 장비에서 지원하는 Interface 제공
▶Arbitrary Waveform Generator and Vector Signal Generator
·Arbitrary waveform 발생기
·Digital 및 Analog 신호 생성
·PJ, RJ, ISI 와 같은 지터 및 Noise 삽입 신호 구현
·RF/IF/IQ 신호 생성 및 Editing s/w 제공
·Basic Vector Modulation, GSM, EDGE, P25, W-CDMA, DECT, NADC, PDC, TETRA, Audio Analysis
▶Automotive(MOST, CAN, LIN & FlexRay) Analysis
?CAN and LIN Timing and Protocol Decode analysis
?I2C, SPI, FlesRay, RS-232/422/485/UART, MIL-STD-1553, I2S auto trigger, decode & search function
?Serial triggering & Analysis
▶BERT(Bit Error Rate Tester) & PPG(Pulse Pattern Generator) for Optic and Electric
?BER Tester
?Digital Pattern generator with stress(Rj, Pj, ISI)
?Error detector
?Clock recovery & pre-Emphasis 구현
▶100G/400G PAM4 Analysis
?Long-haul communication
?PAM4 system and Silicon characterization
?IEEE P802.3bc 100GBASE-KP4, 400G CDAUI-8, OIF-CEI56G, 400GBASE-DR4/LR8
?Complex clock recovery up to 112Gbps with advanced equalization post processing
▶10GBASE-T, 10GBASE-KR/KR4, SFP+/QSFP+ Analysis
?10GBASE-T, NBASE-T, and IEEE802.3bz(2.5G/5G) PMA PHY test
?IEEE802.3ap-2007 specification
.RF switch support for 4 lane KR/KR4
?SFF-8431 & SFF-8635 design
?TWDPc ? Transmitter Waveform Distortion Penalty for Copper Measurements
▶10BASE-T, 10BASE-Te, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T Ethernet Analysis
?Automated compliance testing for 10, 100, and 1000BASE-T PHY verification
?Automated trigger, decode, and search for 10BASE-T and 100BASE-TX Ethernet
▶High speed serial Data Jitter & Eye Analysis
?EYE & MASK test for High speed serial data
?Advanced Clock recovery
?Jitter의 종류와 분류 분석
?TX & RX Jitter effect on Rj, PJ, ISI
▶Equalization and embedding/De-embedding Analysis
·Pre-emphasis & De-emphasis in Transmitter
·CTLE, FFE & DFE equalization in Receiver
·Embedding/De-embedding channel & fixture effect
▶USB2.0, USB3.0/3.1 & Thunderbolt Analysis
·Electrical validation test & protocol decode for HSIC
·Super speed USB3.0/3.1 Physical layer validation and compliance
·USB2.0, USB3.0/3.1 transmitter & Receiver RMT test
·USB-Power compliance solution
·Thunderbolt auto test for compliance
▶DDR/LPDDR Memory Analysis
?DDR/LPDDR analysis S/W
?Electrical Verification of Memory
?Visual Box multi triggering
?Mask Pass Fail test
▶Advanced trigger_Visual Zone(area) trigger
?Powerful box visual trigger
?Easy & multi-box trigger on visual
?이상 신호 구분 및 search triggering
▶MHL, HDMI & Display Port Analysis
?DP(Display Port) Source/Sink analysis & compliance test
?HDMI/MHL Source/Sink analysis & compliance test
?HDMI/MHL protocol analysis
▶eDP, VbyOne(HS) & LVDS Analysis
?eDP & DP analysis tools
?LVDS & VbyOne test tools